How to Create a Winning Betfair Trading Routine
Betfair trading you need to give yourself the best chance of success, how do you do that on Betfair?
You create a routine that works for you and your Betfair Trading. But how on earth do you build a betfair trading routine or plan?
Well watch this video and I will reveal all!
One of things I think all traders need is a routine, it helps you reduce the time spent trading and shortcuts your success.
In this video I want to show you how to create a routine that works for you always. I’ll also share mine 😉
The first thing to note is that if you have a plan you’ll be more likjely to make a profit, it also keeps you more disciplined.
I actually think creating a plan allows you more freedom too, which is key.
So look at your week, when are you able to trade? When can you research your trades? When can you record the data?
Answer all those and you’ll have a plan. For some people they cannot spend every day doing their research, so they need to batch it, which is cool every ⅔ days they look at the events and plan out their trades on a sheet what I recommend here is to use a spreadsheet, add the date the trades and the type of trade then use the notes on your phone to have some top level data on why you picked it so you can revert back to check it.
That takes like 2 mins to read then.
Do you trades when you can.
Then spend the time you have put aside to collect the data, the results and go through it.
Put this on your calendar, turn off all distractions.
With this you will be able to build a plan that works for you.