Making an income from Investing & Betfair trading & Warren Buffett’s views on Gambling
I always have fond memories of the 1st May Bank Holiday in the UK as two events define this period for me.
The first is the AGM of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett’s investment and trading empire. My journey into Betting, Betfair trading was pre-cursored by an interesting in technology that lead me to do some work trying to win the football pools, which in turn led to a financial advisor who triggered an interest in investment.
Shunning the world of betting tips, that interest led me to buy shares in Berkshire Hathaway and that created the opportunity for me to met Warren Buffett in person.
Bizarrely, that, in turn, led me into the investment community where I learned about betting exchanges. It’s funny how life works out!
So this video encapsulates all those things and my view on what I do now and how it’s all intertwined.
#betfairtrading #investing #warrenbuffett