Passive investment – How I earned 50k without really doing anything!
There are many ways to get a second income. But the one way I learnt very early on, was to do this through investing.
Investing is a funny thing, as you lend your money to others so they can actively use it to do something useful. But at the same time, there may be people who decide to sell their investments for others the shoulder the risk.
But when you buy an investment, it’s not a speculative thing like Crypto. You are lending your money in the hope of a future return from your investment and a terminal value. Basically, the company you are lending your money to should pay you directly on indirectly for you lending them money.
Here is the story of how I earned a chunk of money last year without actually really doing much.
It’s a salutary tale of how moonlighting lead me into the world of generating a sustainable second passive income stream through investments.
#warrenbuffett #investing #passiveincome