Why you should use a betting exchange – Peter Webb – Bet Angel – betfair trading
Learn more about Bet Angel – http://www.betangel.com
15 years on from when betting exchanges were created they should be utterly dominant, but they are not.
I nipped over to San Francisco recently on a mission to find out what’s going on in the peer to peer world and it reignited my passion for why we all started on this journey in the first place.
Betting exchanges like Betfair or Betdaq are great innovations. They make the betting market fairer and more geared to the betting / gambling public and are a more equitable solution than traditional bookmakers.
But vested interests are killing off the opportunity for people to use these excellent mediums. Even if you are against the concept of people gambling on sports, exchanges represent a far fairer and sensible solution to problem gambling and corruption than old economy models.
But these biased and unfair older models still exist and prosper, much to the detriment of consumers and economies.
It’s time to make sure everybody knows about exchanges and betfair trading to ensure the whole industry can move forward in a positive manner and with a positive agenda.
I’m not exactly enthusiastic to be involved with an industry that is there to ensure people lose money to their benefit. There IS a better way.